
Hiring Freelancers over In-house Employees: Silicon Valley’s New Trend

Hiring freelancers is today’s trend for stable Companies needing more dynamicity in changing business verticals. Recent stats and studies confirmed that rather than using the in-lab workers for ideation, smart deployments and revisions, getting a temporary worker is an economical option. From big food chains like McDonalds to Uber, everyone needs unique and extra to outperform counterparts. Hiring talented freelancers at a slightly high cost, gives them the edge in business by giving him/her the liberty of working beyond routine pressure. Where It Started The recent air of quitting jobs by fresh graduates and experienced workers, kept the company projects…
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4 Market Techniques to increase ROI for a Small Business

ROI for a small business plays the most important role for a sustainable business and quality, retain-able clients. ROI refers to return on investment but in the online marketing, it can be regarded as Rapport Optimizing Investment. I will not talk about “what to do” techniques because that information is being flooded by n number of blogs on daily basis. Instead, I will give you the tips on improving the execution on what needs to be done.
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Tips to Calculate Freelance Rates for Web Developers and Designers

If you search Google for “how to Calculate Freelance Rates for a design or development project”, you will not get a straightforward tool. Wondering why? Cause there isn’t a one-pack solution, just like calculus or interest finding calculators are available here and there. The complications of rating a specific skill are only understood (and explained) by the freelancers with experience and hurts beginners often. The Tree House Blog recommends to rate your skills according to your portfolio rapport and to not compare with your tech-pals. That sounds logical and encouraging for starters. That’s why, I decided to pen down actionable…
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10 Amazing Management Tools Freelancers Love To Have

The FSPA (Our Company) is still open at 10, and one of the coders is trying to approve w3c validations for an X client. No, you got it wrong, the deadline for this project isn’t the issue. Nor is the tandem to save time for the next client. It’s the sheer love and likeliness for the code that makes the screen so intimated. No one works for free but true developers, designers and programmers work for their passion, money is an important aspect, to keep the passion running. Truncating the scenario and when did that coder went off the seat,…
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Freelance writing tips to make an Awesome blog for Clients

Yes, we know you write, but is there anything live on the internet with your authorship? Okay, so where we can see your samples, they must be doing well for the presence? And many others queries pop up when you are in the process of convincing a client. That’s where you need an online space with your name and skills flooding all over its content as a . I will never say you to write on political hypocrisy, nor those luring “make money” and “make love” topics, if you can’t. A true writer never brags but is willing to do…
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How Governments Can Handle Increasing Unemployment : Economist View

When people are without work, and they continuously seek work, is what we call Unemployment. Businesses like Freelancing and Entrepreneurship helped many to tackle this problem, but the one without any certain skillset has no answer to it. With changing work ethics and scenario makes a cliché of jobs, most of which requires technological knowledge. John Meynard Keynes has rightly said about “Technological Unemployment.” It occurs due to the discovery of methods of economising the use of labour. In simple words, we can say that machines are taking jobs from the workers. It is time to wake up for the…
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White hat Link Building through Social Media

White hat link building through all social platforms is a tested technique to create a presence in your niche strained online market. Might you get backlinks from microbloggers, bloggers, and directory sites, but getting links from social media keeps the quality of links alive. About 40% of the business get more than 80% of their real customers through SMO. As, Google weighs quality more over quantity, its better have to quality engaging audience coming through few links rather than keeping the dormant links on anonymous sites.
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Tips to Master Twitter Content with Freelance Writing Skills

witter marketing or presence is not all about hashtags and posting. The most influential people on earth use this to express their emotions and actions because people trust Twitter and regard as the right source of information. With the heyday of online smart publishing services, you might find time to schedule and post things the quickest way. But ask yourself, have they been promising? Yes, the stats clearly conveys a message for quick and brisk posting, if you don’t want to be a victim of “Swayed away tweets”. But the quality and reality you put in a tweet, decides the…
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3 Unique Freelance Jobs to Standout in Freelancing

Enough said about the projections of Freelance Success evidenced by weak estimates and fuzzy stats in an article. Professional Freelancing was never this ideating and complex. Watch few years back and you would only find daytime workers nudging Development, Designing and Writing clients for most of their supplement needs. Now, they purely rely upon the remote earning and feels so secure and freedomatic than daytime jobs. Now, it seems almost ordinary and logical, to find extravagant people for the most tedious freelance Jobs with custom specifics. Not constrained to IT only, the list of business you can do being a…
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