Enough said about the projections of Freelance Success evidenced by weak estimates and fuzzy stats in an article. Professional Freelancing was never this ideating and complex. Watch few years back and you would only find daytime workers nudging Development, Designing and Writing clients for most of their supplement needs. Now, they purely rely upon the remote earning and feels so secure and freedomatic than daytime jobs.
Now, it seems almost ordinary and logical, to find extravagant people for the most tedious freelance Jobs with custom specifics. Not constrained to IT only, the list of business you can do being a solopreneur is epic, which also makes it a huge competition. So, being in the limelight of clients searching people like you, you have to be on the top of Google and freelancing platforms’ Search results. So keeping things simple, you have to stand out by knowing exactly what your client needs. Following are some of the unique freelance jobs, clients often feel bored/ hazy to work upon themselves and always wished to have people to hire for it.
The Metrics Analyzer
It actually sounded like a babysitter job but requires way more skills, creativity and prediction skills to help the client achieve his targets. The requirement is often for the small businesses who want to keep quality people assigned to specific targets. They never believe in hiring a full-time worker for maintenance/ analysis/data monitoring and rely on quality freelancers for reporting.
The client will throw all the credentials of Analytics, search consoles, Webmaster, Moz tools at once and will ask you to make appropriate analysis, documentation and report in the context of client targets. This needs novice understanding of latent information preserved in search engines, indexes, and promotional threads. Once you grab the whole idea, it becomes easier for you to document everything, as demanded. The Job awareness is required at a peak level as it will decide client’s next strategy.
These type of clients will surely work long with you If you get most of the parameters right on the first flight.
The Content Marketer
Don’t interpret this job synonymous to a full-time blogger or creative article writers. Framing bunch of paragraphs while using client’s focused keywords will not lead you to the Right path and neither to the client. Put some of the marketing skills to make the client convinced that content is directed toward a right list of people. The Client need you to research for a rightful article head and attached keywords, hubbing with the bloggers, posting against the related audience, guest blogging, product oriented classifieds published on popular pages, social media and much more.
This makes a complete package for the client and you will be preferably hired most often your portfolio is on their screens.
“Making the Content walk” Freelance Jobs
Using Photoshop to express your company updates, unique features with images sounds great? Let’s take it to another level.
The visual effects always catch the eye over a mild cornered text. The better the colors, framing, dynamics and concept creation, better will be its authority to engage new customers. Mostly, startup companies need this and very less of them actually risk to hire a person, who make everything understandable through a 20-second video rather than reading ten minutes long content. The shockwave flash works, animated motion images, Gifs, Videos are the new trend. The quality of your work can even bound to a 24*7 job for others. People lack vision badly and if you have an adequate vision, some tools like SWF creator, gif makers, and premium video creation tools, you can do wonders with clients’ raw information. People don’t want to waste time other than making things happen at the right cost and directing them to new levels. So, they hire you, might even send you the idea and will tell you to put everything in the video. Sounds easy? Well if you got the right editing and imagining foster skills, it actually is.
Frisklancer.com aspires to make you the part of our online team, of you have got a unique freelancing job title. If you want us to write on a specific topic. Feel free to mail us at [email protected].