online employment Archives - Biks Consulting IT, Business & Digital Marketing Consulting Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:54:22 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 online employment Archives - Biks Consulting 32 32 210643728 Freelance Writer Tue, 01 Mar 2016 14:04:27 +0000 How to become a Freelance Writer A freelance writer is someone who works without belonging to any single organization or company yet acts like a little business or a self-employed entity. Freelance writer are sometimes represented by a firm or a temporary organization that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work. At the point when looking to get work for magazines and daily papers, keep pitches short, sweet and fascinating. Regardless of the possibility that you’re sending your fifth in succession of rejected pitches, be polite and professional. In case,…

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How to become a Freelance Writer

A freelance writer is someone who works without belonging to any single organization or company yet acts like a little business or a self-employed entity. Freelance writer are sometimes represented by a firm or a temporary organization that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work. At the point when looking to get work for magazines and daily papers, keep pitches short, sweet and fascinating. Regardless of the possibility that you’re sending your fifth in succession of rejected pitches, be polite and professional. In case, you’re composing, and thoughts are interesting and important, and then you will eventually get a response.

Whichever way you get into freelancing, the absolute way to achievement is diligence. When you’ve figured out how to get your foot in the entryway with a smart thought, things ought to get a little bit easier and more work ought to begin coming in your direction. Building contacts and keeping up a decent relationship is critical in any profession yet when you’re for finding your work every day this is even more essential. Here some steps are explained below required to become a freelance writer:

  • Be a good freelance writer
    One quality basic for a freelance writer is an unwavering commitment to quality. Search improvement requires the sort of articles that client would need to share. Article submission is the most fundamental piece of quality link building, and this ought not to be ever compromised on.
  • Thorough researcher
    To become a freelance writer, a person ought to have a research oriented bent of mind. Additionally, it is essential that the statistical data points utilized as a part of the articles are precise. Consequently, a freelance content writer should be diligent with the details.
  • Be Punctual
    Submitting articles are an important part of the search engine optimization (SEO) method; punctuality gets to be supreme. Google expects back connections of a site to become consistently with no real changes.
  • Understand SEO
    You hire writers to write content, that will be submitted in article directories and will form backlinks for you. It helps if the writer is aware of the intricacies of SEO. Knowing how to include best keywords while remaining true to the quality of the article is something that he should have mastered. Writing for SEO means supplying genuinely informative or useful articles that also promote your website.
  • Determination and responsibility
    To become a freelance writer, you will need to make decisions and to take responsibility both for the decisions and for your actions. You will have to possess both your successes and your failures. You will get profit by the capacity to evaluate the circumstance and make decisions on the spot, as well.
  • Be flexible with tasks
    Your flexibility will permit you likewise to take rush jobs from customers who require an errand to be finished direly, with quick and short turnaround time. This type of last-minute tasks are not mandatory, obviously – you can only decline if you are not available, or to request more cash for it.
  • Should have good communication skills
    Most freelancers utilize only email, chat, voice and video calls, and related projects to convey on the web, through a computer, never in the individual. In this manner, the communication ought to be well thought and exact, at all times.
  • Be creative
    If you are creative and unique in your work, you will keep an editor interested in you. You have to concoct bizarre points to cover; you should have the capacity to compose smart leads; you should add to a sixth sense for what individuals like to peruse about, learn about or discuss.
  • Zest for work
    Editors enjoy working with upbeat, positive-thinking writers who have great relational abilities, great work propensities, and a good sense of humor.
  • Try to complete tasks in short time
    Before proceeding onward to another task, get every one of the photographs, citations, sidebar material, and background possible on the current assignment.

Being a freelancer is a rewarding work considering that you get the opportunity to have the flexibility with regards to dealing with your time without involving the amount that you can potentially earn. As freelancing jobs are turning out to be more required after and well known, there are additionally now a considerable measure of online tools that you can use to discover for employments, venture, and time administration, obtain abilities and a whole lot more. Filling in as an independent is practically the same as individuals who are working in an altered day plan work. You always have to enhance your abilities, satisfy your clients and accomplish projects.
Everybody’s way of getting freelance work is distinctive, yet the length of it prompts cash in the bank, they’re all pretty much as practical. At the point when beginning, numerous individuals turn to websites that give work to the freelancers, where you can bid for work. These can be great for getting experience and a portfolio while getting paid for it. Just ensure the businesses are verified to avoid getting into a situation where you’ve spent hours on work for them to conveniently disappear.
Freelancers have an assortment of explanations behind freelancing; the apparent advantages vary by gender, industry, and lifestyle. For example, the 2012 Freelance Industry Report reported that men and women independent of various reasons. Female review respondents showed that they leaned toward the planning freedom and flexibility that freelancing offers while male overview respondents demonstrated them independent to take after or seek after individual interests. Freelancing additionally empowers individuals to acquire larger amounts of occupation in segregated groups. Freelancing is additionally taken up by workers who have been laid-off, who can’t discover full-time business, or for those commercial enterprises, for example, news coverage which is depending progressively on contingent labor rather than full-time staff. Freelancers additionally comprise of students trying to make ends meet during the semester. On blogs and in interviews about freelancing, freelancers list choices and flexibility as an advantage.


To know more about “Freelance Writing” click here


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Why do we need a leap year? Mon, 29 Feb 2016 15:51:06 +0000 Leap Year Explained Why do we need a leap year? it is a common questions and below are certain points which makes its meaning clear. The Gregorian calendar, which now serves as the standard calendar for civilian use worldwide, has two common years and leap years. A common year has 365 days and a leap year of 366 days, with the extra, or interplanetary day designated as the February 29 leap year occurs every four years to help synchronize the calendar year with the solar year, or the length of time it takes the earth to complete its orbit around…

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Leap Year Explained

why do we need a leap yearWhy do we need a leap year? it is a common questions and below are certain points which makes its meaning clear.

  • The Gregorian calendar, which now serves as the standard calendar for civilian use worldwide, has two common years and leap years. A common year has 365 days and a leap year of 366 days, with the extra, or interplanetary day designated as the February 29 leap year occurs every four years to help synchronize the calendar year with the solar year, or the length of time it takes the earth to complete its orbit around the sun, which is about 365¼ days.
  • The length of the solar year, however, is a little less than 365¼ days for about 11 minutes. To compensate for this discrepancy, it omits the leap year every four years three times.
  • In other words, a century year cannot be a leap year if it is divisible by 400. So no 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years, but 1600, 2000 and 2400 are leap years.

What are your chances of being born on leap day?

  • About 1 in 1,500.

When is the birthday party?

  • If you are born in a leap year, you can get your driver’s license on February 28 or March 1? It is an ambiguous question to be decided by each state. Most states, however, consider March 1, the official day. For example, the Michigan Vehicle Code says that people born on February 29 “will be deemed to have been born on March 1st.”

How many people were born on leap day?

  • There are about 187,000 people in the US and 4 million people in the world who was born on leap day.

The rules for determining a leap year.

  • Most years that can be divided evenly by 4 are leap years.

Exception: Century years are not leap years unless they can be evenly divided by 400.

When it originated the leap year?

  • The Gregorian calendar is based closely on the Julian calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. The Julian calendar had 12 months a year of 365 days, with an interplanetary day inserted every four years in late February for an average of 365.25 days’ year. But as the length of the solar year is actually 365.242216 days, the Julian year was too long for 0078 days (11 minutes and 14 seconds).
  • This may not seem like much, but over the centuries are added, until the 16th century, the vernal equinox was falling around March 11 instead of March 21 In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII set the calendar moving date ahead by 11 days and by setting the exception to the rule for leap years. This new rule, whereby a century year divisible by only if it is a leap year 400, is the only feature that distinguishes the Gregorian calendar in the Julian calendar.
  • After the Gregorian reform, the average length of the year was 365.2425 days, an even closer approximation to the solar year. At this rate, it will take more than 3,000 years for the Gregorian calendar to gain one extra day in error.
By:- Frisklancer team

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How to become a “Technical Writer” Thu, 21 Jan 2016 17:16:15 +0000 Technical Writer; How to become a successful “Technical Writer” Technical writers represent the complex information and data in a clean and simple way through their act of writing. They deal with the different type of documents like journals, articles, assembly instructions, Technical documentation, training manuals, online customer service, etc.Technical writing means doing the task as effective as possible at a given time.They are the technical communicators that translate the complex data into a simple form and deliver the data to the end users.Technical writers use various software and applications for the proficiency of their writing.It not only helps them to…

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Technical Writer; How to become a successful “Technical Writer”

Technical writers represent the complex information and data in a clean and simple way through their act of writing. They deal with the different type of documents like journals, articles, assembly instructions, Technical documentation, training manuals, online customer service, etc.Technical writing means doing the task as effective as possible at a given time.They are the technical communicators that translate the complex data into a simple form and deliver the data to the end users.Technical writers use various software and applications for the proficiency of their writing.It not only helps them to provide a good quality but also saves their time.

Technical Writer

There is a set of skills in technical writing like any profession. A person requires mastery of that skills to become a successful technical writer. Some skills to become a good technical writer are mentioned below:

Technical Writer

  • Writing skills: Writing skills are the most important skills to become a good technical writer. It is the major responsibility of a technical writer translate the information in simple language.
  • Technical skills: Technical skills depends on the type of documentation that the technical writer deals with. The skills may vary according to the documentation. Some documents are related to programming, and some are related to hardware.
  • Tools skills: A technical writer should be aware of applications tools like MS Word, Adobe Photoshop, Sniper, etc. These application tools help a technical writer to complete the task within the given time.
  • Interviewing & listening skills: A good technical writer must know how to ask questions to fulfil the client requirements. It should also have good listening skills, so he/she understands the task requirements and fulfils it according to the customer needs.
  • Design Skills: A visual presentation is an effective method. Technical writers use this method to represents the complex data through diagrammatically or graphically. By this way, the user easily understands the data.

Job Duties

  • Determine the requirements of the clients.
  • Work with technical team to make the task easier.
  • Translates the complex information into simple language.
  • Use of images, graphs, charts for user understanding.
  • Satisfy the customer.
  • Complete the task in a short time.

Technical Writing Software

Technical writing includes the use of software to make writing more effective and fast. Use of software in technical writing also helps to make the task error free. There is much software that technical writing use, some of them are given below:Technical Writer

  • Word Processing Applications: It is the most common software that is used by most of the technical writers. It is used to set the formatting of the text and the document. It can give a good look to a document.
  • Photoshop Applications: These applications are used for graphics and designing. These applications help to design different logos and diagrams that make a document more understandable.
  • Screen capture utilities: These utilities are usually used to capture the images. These applications are very useful for technical writers as it saves the time. It is easier to capture an image than to design an image in Photoshop applications.
  • Video capture utilities: There are various applications that are used to capture the video for better understanding the task. The videos help the technical writers to understand the task and also provide useful information about the task.
  • Graphing Applications: These applications is used to add graphs and charts to the document. This is used to describe the data in graph format. This makes the data easier and understandable for the user.
  • Presentation Utilities: These utilities are utilized for presentation purposes like Microsoft PowerPoint. They make an effective presentation and effects can also be added to the document with the help of these utilities.

To work as a “Technical Writer” click here

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WHY USE LESS CSS IN WEB-DESIGNING Thu, 24 Sep 2015 16:48:29 +0000 Anything on the internet can be modified, deleted or added simply using CSS   Web design includes many different skills and the restraints on the production and the maintenance of the websites. CSS is used to design the website and writing and telling the images to be in a particular place, like a picture on the top of the page, another in the centre, etc. There are many CSS frameworks used to develop web applications like Sass and LESS. Both are based CSS frameworks, but the complexity of the application by these frames are different. Each of these frames is…

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Anything on the internet can be modified, deleted or added simply using CSS


Web design includes many different skills and the restraints on the production and the maintenance of the websites. CSS is used to design the website and writing and telling the images to be in a particular place, like a picture on the top of the page, another in the centre, etc. There are many CSS frameworks used to develop web applications like Sass and LESS. Both are based CSS frameworks, but the complexity of the application by these frames are different. Each of these frames is suitable for various web application development.

If you’re a web developer or designer probably you face this kind of situation before:

“I wonder if we should use the different theme on our website, we can try a blue instead of the current green?”

2 possible answers:

  • A pure CSS developer: “Damn … Can you back in 15 minutes?”
  • Less CSS developer: “Sure Wait a second … Done, look!”…

Well, LESS is kind of another style sheet language. “Kind of” because you will develop using the LESS language, but in the finish, it’s compiled to the pure CSS so that browsers can read it. LESSCSS per-processor offers additional advantages over the traditional CSS by providing extra syntax that help the web designers or the web developers to reduce the repetitive coding. Although, there are numerous CSS per-processors offered on the market, most of the web designers or the web developers favor using LESS, as it permits real-time compilation via LESS.js using the standard web browser.

  • LESS is highly dynamic style sheet language.
  • LESS allows developers to write LESS code with the same semantics.
  • LESSCSS can be used by anyone, with any languages, or just plain HTML website
  • LESS allows higher-level style syntax, which permits web designers or the web developers to make the advanced CSS.
  • LESS preprocessor simply compiles into the standard CSS, before the web browser starts interpreting the web page.
  • Compiled CSS files can be effortlessly uploaded to the production web server.

Why use less css in web-designing


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An Online Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:33:58 +0000 An Online Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses As a small business, the most cost-effective way of marketing your business is online. So one of the first things you should do when your start your business is look at what the most effective online marketing strategies for your business are.   As a small business, you aren’t going to have a huge marketing budget, but that’s okay. With online marketing, you won’t need it. Start small and as you see the benefits to your business grow, then so can your campaigns. Build a mailing list. For example, you could start with…

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An Online Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses

As a small business, the most cost-effective way of marketing your business is online. So one of the first things you should do when your start your business is look at what the most effective online marketing strategies for your business are.


As a small business, you aren’t going to have a huge marketing budget, but that’s okay. With online marketing, you won’t need it. Start small and as you see the benefits to your business grow, then so can your campaigns.

Build a mailing list.

For example, you could start with something as simple as an email marketing campaign. Start by compiling a list of email addresses. These can be customers who have already bought from you, or customers you think would be interested in your goods and services. Make sure the content you send them is relevant. It might be a special offer or a discount, or it might be a newsletter sharing expertise on the product you provide. Make it a goal to get feedback from your customers, find out what they want from you and react to their requests. Personalize your mailings, if possible, and give customers the option to unsubscribe. No one like being spammed.

Get your business on the Internet.

A website is a central focus for any online marketing strategy, so it’s something you should really consider investing in. A simple website shouldn’t cost much. You might even try building one yourself. But generally, the most expertise you can afford, the more benefits you will gain.

Business directories are better than ever.

Once your website is up-and-running, you need people to visit it. There are many ways to do this, but as a small business, you’ll be looking for the most cost-effective and that is by using an online business directory. Online business directories are much more effective than their printed counterparts as they are accessible by millions of people all over the world. Some companies will even use Search Engine Optimization to make sure you perform better than your competitors in search engine rankings, meaning prospective customers find you first. Try, for example.

Every Internet user is a potential customer.

You know you’re an expert in what you do. Make sure potential customers know that too. Joining relevant online chat-rooms and forums costs nothing. Posting regular information shows that you know what you are talking about and will influence other chat-room posters to find out more about you and what you do.


Here’s one final thing to consider when it come to your online marketing strategy. Too many small businesses make the mistake of seeing marketing as a task to be done every quarter or every six months. But, to get the most from your online marketing, it’s something you should be doing continually. Keep a close eye on your campaigns and how they’re performing. Don’t be afraid to dump any that are not delivering results and focus on those that are. When it comes to online marketing, there’s always something else you can be doing to improve your campaigns and derive more benefit for your business. With a solid online marketing strategy, your business won’t be small for long.

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How to do freelancing Fri, 11 Sep 2015 13:05:04 +0000 How to do Freelancing! Let’s be clear here, because what I did-what made me successful-was done BEFORE I went freelance, not after. Granted, my path to the flexible profession was abnormal. Having decided in college that “normal jobs” weren’t my thing, I used time in between studying and a karaoke bar job to set myself up. But when you read how I made the transition, you’ll realize that if you have any experience in your field at all, you’ve got it easier than I did. Just always remember that becoming a successful freelancer doesn’t begin the day you quit your…

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How to do Freelancing!

how to do freelancing

Let’s be clear here, because what I did-what made me successful-was done BEFORE I went freelance, not after. Granted, my path to the flexible profession was abnormal. Having decided in college that “normal jobs” weren’t my thing, I used time in between studying and a karaoke bar job to set myself up. But when you read how I made the transition, you’ll realize that if you have any experience in your field at all, you’ve got it easier than I did. Just always remember that becoming a successful freelancer doesn’t begin the day you quit your job, but the day you decide it’s the lifestyle for you.
In between deciding to become a freelancer and becoming a freelancer, you need to prepare to be a freelancer.

For most of us, Freelancing full time, seems like a dream come true. We get to be our own boss, work our own hours, and are responsible for our own success. It all sounds great – and it is, but freelancing full-time isn’t for everyone. While some freelancers thrive on being their own boss, others find that they’re not as good at working for themselves as they were working for a company, or in their 9 to 5 job. For you to be successful as a freelancer, you need to be accountable for yourself. Otherwise, you might end up spending half the day tweeting and going through your RSS reader.
With freelance work being such an enticing prospect, no one would blame you for giving it some serious thought. However, a common issue does simply not know how to start. Fortunately, building a successful freelancing career is easier than it seems — just follow the steps below.
1. Choose Your Craft
Freelancing full time means you’re responsible for yourself and your work more than ever. There’s no one around to monitor how much work you’re getting done or whether you’re meeting your targets.
As a freelancer, you may be required to think outside of the box — we’re not all graphic designers or programmers. However, you may find that your “secondary” skills can offer up freelancing opportunities. For instance, if you are a strong writer, then you have the potential to develop a freelance writing business.
2. Create a Brand
The secret to succeeding as a full time freelancer is to treat it as a business. When you first start freelancing full time, you will need to create a strong brand that sets you apart from the competition. Your brand is your identity (i.e. your website, blog and social media accounts) and it should clearly communicate your unique selling proposition — what you do that makes you special.
With that in mind, you should narrow down your focus to a specific industry. For instance, as a graphic designer you might choose to do branding work for digital startup businesses only. This form of specialization will make you far more attractive to a specific set of prospective clients and give you a greater chance of success. You can try to cater to all and sundry, but you will probably only provoke indifference.

3. Build a Portfolio and Source Testimonials

In freelancing your earnings are directly dependent on your rates and there are no perks in freelancing. you need to be able to negotiate reasonable freelancing rates for yourself.
For you to be successful as a freelancer, Therefore, if you are good at what you do and can demonstrate your skill through a quality portfolio and positive client testimonials, you have every chance of success. The conundrum, however, is in building a portfolio without experience. Many freelancers will react to this by picking up the smallest and least lucrative jobs around, but that puts them into a vicious cycle of bargain-basement work.
So don’t be afraid to do pro bono work for the right clients when you are first starting out. The free work you do at this stage can ultimately be priceless when it clearly communicates your worth to future potential clients via an extensive portfolio and glowing testimonials. Also, offering your services at no cost is a gentle introduction into the world of freelancing where you do not feel the pressure of having to deliver a service of requisite value.

4. Start Pitching
As a freelancer, You should only seek paying clients when you are able to demonstrate your abilities (and your reputation) with a quality portfolio and testimonials. Once you have done so by working on pro bono jobs, it’s time to start pitching.
But whom should you pitch? Well, if you branded yourself correctly then you should know exactly whom to pitch. By having such a narrow focus, potential clients are far more likely to take you seriously than if you offered a generic service. Businesses want to work with freelancers who seemingly came into existence to serve them specifically — you can create this illusion through specialization.
5. You Must Learn to negotiate
As a freelancer, in a full-time job you’re paid a fixed salary each month with a raise every year, medical insurance, paid leave and other perks. In freelancing your earnings are directly dependant on your rates and there are no perks in freelancing.
In order to succeed, you need to be able to negotiate reasonable freelancing rates for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with starting out with low rates – as long as you steadily raise them as you gain a reputation for yourself and are always improving your skill set to deserve higher pay.Failure to negotiate rates means that you’ll be stuck with low rates – and nobody else is going to help you raise your rates.

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FREELANCING AS A CAREER Fri, 04 Sep 2015 11:10:10 +0000 FREELANCING AS A CAREER: ITS BENEFITS Is freelancing only about freedom? Maybe there is a lot more to it A large number of people are opting for the freelancing way of work as compared to being a full time employee in an organization. A recent study revealed that approximately 1 million people in the U.S.A alone took to freelancing within a span of the last one year. What is it that is driving so many people to this kind of a work culture? Source: One major factor, which goes without saying, is the immense work pressure in all fields…

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Is freelancing only about freedom? Maybe there is a lot more to it

A large number of people are opting for the freelancing way of work as compared to being a full time employee in an organization. A recent study revealed that approximately 1 million people in the U.S.A alone took to freelancing within a span of the last one year. What is it that is driving so many people to this kind of a work culture?

freelancing and its benefits


One major factor, which goes without saying, is the immense work pressure in all fields of work, across nations. Freelancing helps one to stay in control of his or her workload allowing a certain freedom. However, there must also be something more to freelancing – something which is motivating men and women of different age groups. The pros of freelancing must be more powerful than the cons.

Benefits of Freelancing

1. Flexible work schedule

Probably the biggest benefit of freelancing, visible without much thought is the flexibility of work time. One can choose to work for 20 hours a day or even for 0. One can start early in the morning and wrap up by afternoon or sleep till late and start around evening. Work schedule is completely upon the individual when it comes to freelancing. One enjoys the freedom to work or not, to take leaves on certain days or to work at a stretch for weeks and then take a long break.

freelancing and its benefits


2. More free time

Since time management in case of freelancing is completely up to the man or the woman doing the work, there is a better scope to manage some free time. In fact, freelancing also teaches one to hone their skills in time management giving them the incentive to make out some free time for themselves. While a full time job requires one to reach on time and work for certain fixed hours each day, the possibilities of suddenly watching a movie or catching up with old friends are higher in freelancing. A freelancer can set schedules for spending time with family, reading and indulging in other activities. There is a lot more free time and ‘me time’ in freelancing.

3. Complete control over choice of clients

Freelancers are independent and in charge of finding their own clients. This also means that freelancing gives one the option to not work with a client or to work more for a certain one. There is no pressure to work for someone who pays less or misbehaves. Freelancing empowers men and women to find clients whom they comfortable working with – in terms of finance, workload, behavior, etc.

freelancing and its benefits


4. Challenging work pattern

Freelancers are pretty much on their own all the time and thus, they are bound to be on their toes all the time. While freelancing gives the freedom of choice of clients and time, it also sets the challenge of finding new clients and keeping a constant flow of work. When freelancing, no one helps out with bidding for projects or striking deals with clients. On one hand, freelancers have to market themselves constantly. On the other hand, considering the rising competition in freelancing, one has to stay abreast of the latest in their industry and take to self development on a regular basis. One is constantly challenging their own self to improve and that in itself is exciting for most!

freelancing and its benefits


5. Freedom to indulge in other interests

Since freelancing empowers one to utilize their time in a better way, freelancers have the leisure to indulge in their other interests. A writer who is into freelancing might have interest in photography – he can get more time for it without compromising on other aspects of his life. There is much more space to explore what one likes, to develop new hobbies. These can in fact be developed into further income sources if so desired.

freelancing and its benefits


6. Greater rewards

This does not mean freelancing pays more. While it definitely can if done in the proper way, the term ‘rewards’ here refers to something deeper than money. Freelancing brings with it a certain kind of satisfaction, not possible in any other pattern of working. When one is employed by an organization, there is someone checking the work, someone bringing it and yet someone else who corrects it. When freelancing, an individual is completely in charge of their work – from start to finish. So it starts with the bidding where one has to prove their skills, proceeds to implementing those skills to create something great, then to make necessary corrections if any, after direct interaction with the client and finally getting paid for the work, both monetarily and otherwise. The kick that freelancing brings by telling you that ‘it was you all the way’, is an unparalleled feeling. It is the freelancer who gets acknowledged for the work and hired the next time for their brilliance.

freelancing and its benefits


There are also other benefits to freelancing such as the lack of need to work from a dedicated location. Freelancing gives the option of working from anywhere to the extent where some freelancers travel to get a different environment in which they can work peacefully! A person who is freelancing can get to spend more time with their near and dear ones and have the power to organise impromptu meets! Freelancing also helps one to be in charge of their finances in a better way – freelancers learn how to manage their income well and save up for times when they won’t have enough work. Most industries have the provision of per hour rates for freelancing work. This means that freelancers can plan their income well, especially if they have a major expenditure coming up. There is also no bar as to how many clients one can work for. Freelancing, above all, is empowering. However, this is not to state that freelancing is every individual’s cup of cake – freelancing comes with its own set of risks and is best taken up by those who enjoy challenges.






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How to attract clients as a freelancer Tue, 01 Sep 2015 10:30:01 +0000 “LANDING YOUR FIRST CLIENT AS A FREELANCE DEVELOPER.” When you decide to pursue freelance work, you may not have a clue how to attract clients as a freelancer. Freelancing is one of the finest job choices in the world right now. If you’re the student or if you’re currently in the market for the job, freelancing may be for you! How to attract clients as a freelancer is a difficult question to answer. Following are some of the tips to help you get some attention as the freelance web developer, take a couple of projects and start building your reputation.…

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When you decide to pursue freelance work, you may not have a clue how to attract clients as a freelancer.

Freelancing is one of the finest job choices in the world right now. If you’re the student or if you’re currently in the market for the job, freelancing may be for you!

How to attract clients as a freelancer is a difficult question to answer. Following are some of the tips to help you get some attention as the freelance web developer, take a couple of projects and start building your reputation.

Build a website and maintain it

The first thing you do when you’re watching for help? You Google whatever you need, true?

Now, think about how people are going to find. If you’re a graphic designer and want to get paid his first performance graphic design, how will they know about their services and capabilities? Through their impressive website, that’s how! It’s super easy, and so important to have any. Let yourself be found on Google! Keep your website daily with blogs, status updates, photos, or whatever you want to your customers and potential customers to see. Show your finest work online in the specialized and beautiful way!

how to attract clientsGet testimonials, and then flaunt

Recommendations play an important role in getting the business. Are more likely to hire a recommended by a friend of one who saw it in a newspaper ad mechanic. Witnesses can give your reputation as a freelancer one big push. After completing a project, make a point to get a testimony of his client. When you are adding witnesses to your portfolio, be sure to include the name and the client company. There is a difference, especially if potential customers have heard of customers or companies that list. All witnesses are not equal. Detailed, results-focused witnesses leave a lasting impression and work better than the strike praise. When communicating with customers witnesses, ask for feedback on the basis of figures. Or at minimum ask them to be more specific in your comments.

how to attract clientsBlog Posting

One of the easiest (and more fun) to spread the word about their skills and their ability ways is to write about them. Your message must not even be long! They may be a little short paragraph, a “tip of the day” fast everything can prove that you are going to for their web development needs. You’re the expert, you are to be employed, and your blog is going to emphasize this point.

how to attract clientsContributing to open source projects

While many potential customers do not have a background in software development, others do, and customers prefer these freelancers with a quality experience, then how to attract clients as a freelancer? Working on the open source project is the great way to establish your credibility with customers like these. Contributing to open source projects gives you the benefit over the other independent professionals. And it’s not hard to do, but it can be confusing when you’re starting.

Send the correct samples

Although many freelancers are concerned about having a “full” portfolio, the fact is that customers are more interested in the relevance of their samples are. In fact, it is often more powerful to have only a single sample of high-quality work in this sample is highly relevant to what the customer really needs. Instead of thinking about your portfolio in terms of quantity, send customers 1-3 pieces that show you can do the kind of work they need. Doing so will give you a better chance to grab your attention from a portfolio that is 10 times greater.




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ODESK VS FREELANCER Sun, 23 Aug 2015 11:09:28 +0000 Freelancer VS Odesk The world has had tremendous growth in terms of technology. The introduction of the internet particularly has had a significant impact in socializing, business management, education, communication as well as improving the ability for a person to earn an honest income. Presently, the number of people engaging in online work is increasing. This is because the freelancing business has had a positive impact on the people who engage in it. Evidence shows that people are able to generate a stable income that is more than they would have in a normal and formal employment. Numerous organizations give…

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ODESK VS Freelancer VS FrisklancerFreelancer VS Odesk

The world has had tremendous growth in terms of technology. The introduction of the internet particularly has had a significant impact in socializing, business management, education, communication as well as improving the ability for a person to earn an honest income. Presently, the number of people engaging in online work is increasing. This is because the freelancing business has had a positive impact on the people who engage in it. Evidence shows that people are able to generate a stable income that is more than they would have in a normal and formal employment. Numerous organizations give individuals a proper platform to pursue their freelancing careers. The two most popular organizations are oDesk and In order to get a better picture on the best platform amongst the two, it is important to note their characteristics and compare their pros and cons.

Frisklancer Vs Odesk

The oDesk platform was first launched in the year 2003 to cater for the individuals who did not find satisfaction from their employment. The company sought to fill the global demand for a platform that would offer freelancers and outsourcing organizations a secure environment to interact. From its inception, oDesk was able to attract a freelance earning rate of nine hundred and twenty million dollars. This showed that the organizations is very successful in bringing together freelancers and outsources. further er, the company has quite good review concerning its service delivery strategy as well as payment process. One of the advantages of using this platform is its minimal fees of only ten percent of the total amount charged for any given task. The low fees is favorable to new comers and individuals who seek to start their careers. The profile system on oDesk is comprehensive therefore a person can write up all their qualifications. The higher one’s profile-ranks, the better his or her probability is to secure a task upon bidding. The system also provides for employment on an hourly basis and is flexible on the total cost or earnings per hour. Freelancers can negotiate with vendors freely. In addition, the platform also gives vendors the ability to keep track of the task awarded to various freelancers through screenshots, mos and keyboard activities. The organization also has a wide network incorporating freelancers and vendors thereby improving the chances of a new freelancer finding a suitable source of income.

Freelancer Vs Frisklancer is also a global outsourcing platform founded in the year 2009. Since its inception, the company has been able to acquire a total of one hundred and fifty three million dollars in freelancers income. The company has had a near perfect expansion plan that has seen it acquire other platforms such as, Lime Exchange, and the expansion strategy allowed it to gain a good percentage of the freelancing market share. The organization currently has seven million one hundred thousand freelancers registered. Number of tasks posted is four million one hundred thousand. The huge number of freelancers shows that the company is a quality company. However, comparing the number of jobs posted and the number of freelancers registered shows that competition is very high. In terms of fees charged, the company takes a thirteen percent fee on all tasks completed.


The oDesk platform gives new freelancers a better chance to launching a successful freelance career because of its low fees as compared to in addition, the competition at is very high and this will make newcomers to have a very hard time in starting up. Recently, oDesk acquired Elance thus improving its network base and ensuring it is the market leader for now. The merger is favorable to both newcomers and veterans since it increases the number of tasks while reducing the competition. Therefore, oDesk is a better platform in terms of quality, payment and talent pool.

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Freelancer to a successful Entrepreneur! Wed, 19 Aug 2015 12:43:53 +0000 Many independent part-time workers (freelancer) have successfully switching to business owners full time, but How to shift from a freelancer to a successful entrepreneur is a hard nut to crack, below is the description how you can be counted amongst the most successful entrepreneurs that shifted from a freelancer. Freelance part-time is a great way to use your skills and talents, meet your business aspirations and make certain extra money. Though many part-time workers are content to keep their side just that line, others convert their free concert in a full-time career. The key to the effective transition from the…

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Many independent part-time workers (freelancer) have successfully switching to business owners full time, but How to shift from a freelancer to a successful entrepreneur is a hard nut to crack, below is the description how you can be counted amongst the most successful entrepreneurs that shifted from a freelancer.

Freelance part-time is a great way to use your skills and talents, meet your business aspirations and make certain extra money. Though many part-time workers are content to keep their side just that line, others convert their free concert in a full-time career.

The key to the effective transition from the part-time(freelancer) to the full-time freelancing is to develop a strong plan of action before. This is where a secure platform on which your company may develop to the point that ultimately can be sustained is built. Keeping these aspects in mind when planning the leap to the freelance full time. Working as a freelancer is an art and it is not adapted by everyone, as a freelancer there are many things that are needed to take care, but if you are a successful freelancer then you can become a successful entrepreneur too. Below are some of the points that a successful freelancer adopts in order to shift from a freelancer to an entrepreneur.

Earn money as a freelancer!

  • Savings as a Freelancer:-

Build a pillow in your savings account. As there will be sudden expenses, irregularity and lean times as you prepare for full-time. Have additional savings to fill the financial gaps provide physical and emotional security. At times, it takes the little more time to build a clientele full time as well, making it even more significant to ensure that you have a bit of financial padding to cover your bills.

  • Strong Freelancer Portfolio :-

Having several large pieces in your wallet before leaving as a freelancer. Have some freelance familiarity under your belt before you think through doing it full time. This way you can show your skills and talents to prospective clients just out of the box. Do not wait until you are jobless to start building a portfolio of his most impressive work independently. If you need to complete some projects for free to build your portfolio, it is best done when you have other bases of the income than just your self-employment.

  • Promote Freelancer Portfolio:-

Configure your own website. Do not trust any place in the portfolio. Set yourself apart from the gathering by creating their own online identity. You can exert more control over their location and how it is marketed, as it is yours. You also do not have a concern about a portfolio of their work instead decide to be detached from some motive or the company that manages this site to take it offline.

  • Diversify as a Freelancer:-

Look for reliable sources of revenue, such as places that can land multiple projects, at main. This will make available financial stability while marketing and portfolio are constructed. As your marketing efforts and referrals earning independent work, you may depend less on these sites, and the clientele has been built.

  • Transition from Freelancer to Entreprenur:-

Have a sit with their employer for at least a month before you intend to stop talking about the transition. Make it as simple as possible to train somebody to take his place. It is best to maintain a good relationship with those with whom you worked instead of burning their proficient bridges. In some circumstances, if your freelance work overlays with what you’ve been doing for your boss as a freelancer, you may be able to endure working on the contract basis.

  • Manage your Freelancer Business:-

Set up a system for managing all aspects of your freelance business that might help you to shift from a freelancer to an entrepreneur. This will ensure your business operates efficiently and professionally. Ultimately, starting with a strong organization of their customers, prospects, projects and accounting, it helps you feel your task as a legitimate business. It also confirms that the concentration remains on the job of keeping a handle on the “nuts and bolts” of running a business.

  • Learn to become a freelancer entrepreneur:-

Learn all you can about running a business because freelancing is a legitimate business proposal and as a freelancer you need to learn it. Learn about being an entrepreneur so you can make intelligent decisions about the operation of your business. Read, teach and join clubs to learn from business experiences of others. Especially as an entrepreneur, knowledge is power.


The transition from part-time to full-time freelancing takes time, a solid plan, careful execution and persistence to create an atmosphere conducive to success. Make sure before you have given notice in your day job that has laid the foundation for an independent, profitable full-time career. It is the form of autonomous part time become successful full-time independent professionals and entrepreneurs viable.



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